Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Trimester

The first trimester in my experience is not very exciting. With morning sickness and exhaustion what else is there besides the fact of just knowing you are pregnant.

With us it took us a while to finally get pregnant. Buying books, trying different things, and going to doctors we were thrilled when we found out. But after a week or so of being elated and scared to death. The sickness started. I really dont like how it is called morning sickness so I am going to call it the Sickness.

It is so nerve racking to sit there and carry on with your normal day to day life when there is a fear of miscarrying or you feel like you will hurl any second.

The first trimester brings the first fears and tears. All those hormones raging inside and your mind going crazy with thoughts of becoming a parent or what if something happened.
How do women do it? With all this stuff going on you would think we will go insane from all the worry and stress.

Since I had a previous ectopic pregnancy before and this was the first time we were pregnant since then I was completely scared out of my mind that something would go wrong. We went to the doctor and had an ultrasound done to make sure everything was okay. What a relief it is to see or hear that little heartbeat for the first time. Here is a picture of our little one at 6 weeks.

We then had another ultrasound done at ten weeks.

We had traveled across the country and had to switch doctors so they did it to just make sure things were still going good.

How exciting and wonderful it is to actually see your baby moving around and that there is something actually alive and growing inside of you!

Morning Sickness

Who ever came up with the term Morning sickness should have asked more pregnant women when they were sick.

Most women tend to be sick in the afternoon or are sick all day!

Morning sickness is normally associated with nausea and vomiting in the morning. The definition of Morning sickness says that despite its name the nausea can affect women at any time of day.

So why the name?

No one seems to know. But any sickness while pregnant will forever be known as Morning sickness no matter the time of day. It has been named and will probably never change.

Morning sickness can be summed up in one word -Miserable.

The last few months have been a blur. With the constant feeling of having to puke and not knowing when you will makes ones day just completely miserable. And to think that if you are sick it is a good thing and normally means everything is going fine.

What a twisted world we live in where puking your guts out means everything is perfectly fine.

Morning sickness is understood as an evolved trait that protects the fetus against toxins ingested by the mother.

Wikipedia also says that women who have no pregnancy nausea are more likely to miscarry or bear children with birth defects than those that don’t have nausea.

So to all of you women who are also suffering from “morning sickness” it is a good thing and somehow completely “normal” so hang in there and hopefully it will all be over soon!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Background Information

I met my husband at BYU-Idaho in 2005 and we started dating a year later. We dated for six months, then we're engaged for four months and then got married in the St. Louis LDS Temple on June 14th 2007. In March of 2008, I was rushed to the emergency room here in Rexburg, and had to have emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. We had no idea that I was pregnant or what was going on, for a couple months I had been in a lot of pain and knew something was wrong but would have never thought of a tubal pregnancy. They were able to save my tube and had to take out my appendix. I was really scared to get pregnant after that but we wanted to get pregnant and I had, had some health issues in the past that made me believe that it would be hard to get pregnant. So that first year before the ectopic we weren't preventing it, and then the ectopic happened. A few months later we decided to try again. With no luck for almost a year again then we went to see a doctor. We both were tested. I then had an HSG procedure done. A few months later we were pregnant! Now I am trying to graduate and finish school before this baby is due, with my husband graduating in December and has a job lined up for next year. We are 13 weeks along as of right now and already have had two ultrasounds.

With this blog I hope to make it a place where fellow Rexburg pregnant woman or anyone else that is pregnant, can come to for information, updates on the latest in news about pregnancy and news in Rexburg that will apply to pregnant women. I will be posting links to great sites and doctors offices here in Rexburg and activities and events for pregnant women here in Rexburg. Feel free to leave comments and share your ideas and stories.