Friday, October 23, 2009
Thank Goodness for Cable TV
Pregnant women need folic acid, iron and calcium, folic acid can reduce your risk of having a baby with a serious birth defect of the brain and spinal cord, called the ‘neural tube.’ A baby with spina bifida, the most common neural tube defect, is born with a spine that is not closed. The exposed nerves are damaged, leaving the child with varying degrees of paralysis, incontinence, and sometimes mental retardation. Studies have shown that taking a larger dose (up to 4,000 micrograms) at least one month before and during the first trimester may be beneficial.
Calcium during pregnancy can prevent a new mother from losing her own bone density, as the foetus uses the mineral for bone growth. Iron can help with both the mother and baby's blood to carry oxygen.
There are natural sources of folic acid: such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, and citrus fruits. It is also found in many fortified breakfast cereals and some vitamin supplements.
Pre-natals are not a substitute for a healthy diet, but most women need pre-natals to make sure they get adequate levels of these minerals.
Information from webmd
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccination for Pregnant Women
There has been lots of controversy about the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccinations for pregnant women.
During pregnancy, any type of flu can get bad very quickly and be complicated by infections such as pneumonia or by fetal distress.
As pregnancy evolves, a woman's diaphragm is pushed upward and she has decreased lung capacity. This makes respiratory disease more dangerous.
A pregnant woman's immune system shifts away from the kinds of immune responses most effective in battling viral infections. This makes her more susceptible to some viral diseases such as flu. Your immune system is weaker when you're pregnant, so you're more vulnerable to illness in general.
Many moms-to-be who get the flu have no complications. But statistically, you're more likely to develop a severe case when you're pregnant.
Pregnant women who are otherwise healthy have already been severely affected by the 2009 swine flu virus. More pregnant women have been hospitalized with H1N1, and some have died compared to the general population.
The CDC has details on 266 of the 305 U.S. swine flu deaths reported as of July 29. Fifteen of these 266 deaths -- about 6% -- were among pregnant women. Most of the deaths were among women in their third trimester.
The H1N1 Swine Flu has been said to be very dangerous to pregnant women and most doctors are encouraging their patients to get the vaccination. But is it actually safe for women and their babies?
The package inserts for the swine flu vaccines actually say that the safety of these vaccines for pregnant women has not been established. And miscarriage reports from pregnant women who have taken the H1N1 swine flu vaccine are starting to pour in from all over the nation.
We do more research before buying a car or cell phone than we do before injecting ourselves with an experimental shot.
U.S. Health authorities have made pregnant women one of the highest priority groups for getting the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. But women are more reluctant to get this vaccination because it is so new and has not been tested to be sure that it is safe for pregnant women and their unborn children.
So what should pregnant women do? Take the chance of getting this rising deadly flu or take the chance and get an unknown shot that may or may not even protect against the virus.
Doctors say that the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccination shot is just like the seasonal flu shot they give out every year but with a different strand and say that it should not harm the women or the unborn child.
When mothers or expecting mothers here in Rexburg were asked whether they would get vaccinated 16 out of 25 people said no 7 of 25 people said yes get the vaccination and 2 out of that 25 were torn.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pregnancy Movies
Feel like doing nothing but lying down and watching a movie?
I highly recommend watching some movies that you can relate to and may make you feel better about your situation. Pregnancy movies. Here are a few of my favorites and some others that I have heard are good. Father of the Bride II, Baby Mama, Juno, Labor Pains, and 3 men and a baby. Some movies that I have not watched yet but I am sure I will; Nine Months, She’s having a baby, Junior, Fools Rush In, Baby Boom, and Saved.
Also if you are wanting a good book to read that has some pregnancy in it my favorite is Breaking Dawn of the twilight series!
Also here is another favorite-Bill Cosby talking about Child birth.
I woke up one morning with this incredible craving for a “chaz bagel” breakfast sandwich from Gandolfos deli. I used to work there. I would open the store and make all the breakfast sandwiches. I worked as a slicer there also, so I know this store and the sandwiches pretty well.
This bagel has chopped up turkey meat on the grill with Swiss cheese melted on to it. Then placed on a bagel with avocado slices. MMMmmm It is so good and I could not believe how bad I wanted one. I think I must have had a dream where I was working there again or something, but my wonderful hubby went out and got me the Chaz bagel
I was so excited to eat it I started scarfing it down. It was ALL-wrong! Apparently the girl who made it added cream cheese and didn’t chop up the turkey and put WAY to much avocado on there. I was so disappointed. I ate it anyway since I was starving but it was way disgusting. I still have a craving for that chaz bagel and maybe ill just have to go out and buy all the stuff and make it myself to finally get my bagel sandwich.
I have no motivation for anything. Going to classes is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Sitting there on hard chairs for an hour then moving to another class and doing it all over again just a few minutes later. It is hard to pay attention. I am so exhausted, and I have to keep getting up to go to the bathroom.
I started this semester out with 21 credits yeah crazy I know, but I needed to get done since my husband is graduating in December and with the baby being due in the middle of the semester next semester. I don’t know what I was thinking 21 credits and working and being sick does not mix.
I ended up dropping two classes so now I am at 15 credits with 12 credits left for next semester. Now that semester I can’t even think about. I am forgetting everything I read the minute I am done reading it and forgetting assignments and doing horrible on all my tests. I am just praying to pass and get a C!
I really have a hard time focusing and really caring what grades I get or even getting some assignments done. I have had so many pregnancy symptoms that are in the books one right after the other and I am just waiting to see what I get next. Lets just hope it is not the swine flu then my grades would really suffer.