Saturday, November 28, 2009


Recently we just drove 14 hours to California from Rexburg and by the time we even got to Pocatello my feet and ankles were so swollen my socks were so tight! It was long car ride and had to stop quite a bit for bathroom breaks and food breaks but overall it wasnt to bad for being 6 months along. We will be traveling to Missouri a 20 hour car ride for Christmas not counting all the snow we will probably have to face. We will see how that one goes. But here are some traveling tips for the upcoming holidays for all of you out there that will be traveling.

Car travel is safe during pregnancy, although you may need to allow extra time for bathroom and stretch breaks on long trips. Always wear your seat belt low across your pelvic bone and never across your belly, and position the shoulder belt snugly between your breasts. Air bags are as safe during pregnancy as they are at any other time, so don’t disconnect them. There is a potential risk associated with airbags because they open with such force; however, the benefits of their use outweigh the risks. To minimize the risk of injury during airbag deployment, sit as far back as possible – at least ten inches from the dashboard or steering wheel, wherever the airbag is located.

If you are in a car accident of any sort, regardless of severity or how far along you are in your pregnancy, you should be checked out by a doctor immediately, even if you feel fine.

Buses and trains tend to have narrow aisles and cramped bathrooms; however, both modes of transportation are safe during your pregnancy. Be sure to hang on to the seat backs when walking up and down the aisles.

If you experience any of the following complications while traveling, you should seek immediate medical attention:

Bleeding, Contractions, Impaired vision, Ruptured membranes, Abdominal pain or cramping, Passing clots or tissue, Headaches, Excessive swelling of your legs

The bottom line for traveling while pregnant is to take extra precautions, listen to your body, and always discuss your travel plans with your doctor before you leave.

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