Monday, November 23, 2009

Pregnancy Dreams

Lately I have been having crazy dreams! I keep dreaming that my Husband leaves me or some crazy monsters come and eat him. Also recently I have been having these really realistic dreams that our baby girl comes out a boy and we have pink everything and no more money to buy boy stuff. I guess since we were told that they think it is a girl that is one of my fears now. Last night I had the most realistic dream that we had twins and I woke up in the middle of the night freaking out because how would I handle two at once! says that dreams reflect your emotional state, so it's only natural that during pregnancy — a time of many mixed emotions — your dreams seem more intense and stranger than usual. Hormonal changes (specifically, a surge in progesterone) also make you dream more frequently and vividly. And you may be remembering more of your dreams if you're regularly waking up during the night, interrupting phases of dream-filled REM sleep.Experts have found that moms-to-be often dream about such things as water, talking animals, sex, and large buildings during their first, second, and third trimesters.

As you find out more about your pregnancy and your growing baby, your dreams will probably be affected. Try not to be disturbed by your dreams — they simply reveal your apprehension and excitement about the huge changes taking place in your life.

1 comment:

The Crisps said...

the most common that I hear from everyone is weird, crazy, (sometimes creepy) sex dreams. I can't understand why but I think its funny.